David Steele remembers:

I remember Mr. Binns' relating POW experiences from WWII during homeroom. I remember Mr. Mehilnger having a section on "Music Appreciation" as part of "World History" and playing the song he played for his intended wife before proposing.  It was "You Can't Be Fit As A Fiddle When You Are Tight As A Drum".

I remember the quickness in which Larry Stemmerman went into action to assist Ms. Ruttan after her accident.

I remember Dixie Workman had a 1957 Ford convertible and a Hoover had a 1957 Chevrolet, (convertible?).  I can't remember his given name but it may have been Bill.

I remember that 16 miles to school seemed a very long trip.

My remembering of the class of "61" started with the 9th grade as I attended a rural school the firt 8 grades.  I have always remembered the town part of the class as mature sophisticated people.  Now you tell me through your memories that some of you were "rascals".  What an awakening!